Lacey Township, NJ Birdsall Services Group (BSG) is currently providing professional engineering services to the county of Ocean for the replacement of Beach Boulevard Bridge spanning the Forked River in Lacey Township. As with any bridge engineering project, a variety of components exist beyond the scope of simply designing a new bridge – this project is no exception. Ocean County and its residents depend heavily upon their bridges to connect communities separated by its many bodies of water. This dependency makes the execution of this project key to maintaining the transportation flow, commerce, and public well being of the surrounding area. In conjunction with the County, BSG has carefully developed a temporary roadway realignment through an adjacent farm tract that allows for the continuation of traffic for the nearly 2,000 surrounding residents and other users of Beach Boulevard Bridge in the Forked River corridor. The new Beach Boulevard Bridge will have a span of 230 feet and measure 40 feet in width. This replacement will be a “from scratch” effort, and includes all new foundations, concrete piers, reinforced concrete wing walls, bulkheads, parapets/barriers, and temporary utility support structures. In addition to preliminary and final design, BSG is also providing the survey, hydraulic analyses, right-of-way investigations, and NJDEP permitting necessary to support this project. This project is adhering to NJDOT and Ocean County design standards and guidelines to insure the proper construction of this structure and to preserve the safety of the motorists it will serve.
SERVICES PROVIDED – Structural and Transportation Engineering |