In 2008, Ocean County was awarded the NJDEP’s Environmental Excellence Award in recognition of its numerous stormwater management initiatives. Of note, these initiatives included the installation of two vehicle wash systems designed by Birdsall Services Group well before the deadline for permittees to cease the unpermitted discharge of equipment and vehicle wash wastewater. The county currently offers shared services to other local permitted entities at the Toms River and Stafford Township vehicle wash facilities. In 2007 Birdsall Services Group initiated a program to both develop the County’s Stormwater Management Plan as well as review all municipal stormwater plans as required by the NJDEP. Additionally in 2007 and 2008, the County retrofitted 1,557 storm drain inlets and installed treatment devices to remove sediments and floatables in areas with high vehicle and pedestrian traffic. Additional treatment devices were installed in portions of the county’s stormwater collection system which discharge to C1 waterways and tributaries, including Barnegat Bay.